Vegan Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
The sunshiny part - whenever I try a new recipe, I try a new decorating technique as well. This way, even if the cookies don’t taste great, I’ve learned:
A new decorating skill - in this case, the white crackle on the clouds.
A recipe I can ignore (or modify) in the future.
The cloudy part - the vegan cookies taste really good, and not just “good for vegan”, like vegan-donuts-from-Whole-Foods-good. The vegan frosting tastes….vegan. Rachel (my main taster - and she does not hold back on constructive criticism) said it does seem to missing something. Brave girl that she is, she managed to eat the whole cookie. I guess that’s another thing I learned today -
Much like pizza, even a not-so-great cookie is still pretty good.
So feel free to spam me with your favorite vegan cookie and icing recipes - I’m happy to keep trying