The Cost of Starting a Business
Not the emotional cost mind you, we’ll save that for my daughter’s future therapist.
Wanting to do this the “right” way, I decided to get a Cottage License. A Cottage License allows home based food-related business to run legally and requires certain requirements be met. Especially hygienically - no one wants to find the dander from someone’s pet ferret* in the homemade salsa they just purchased.
In order to obtain a Cottage license, one needs:
A current driver’s license (woo hoo, I’m 20% there!)
A resale permit (easy peezy, did this online)
A food handlers certificate (also easy, I scored 100% on the hygiene portion, but you might not want me to properly thaw a turkey for you)
Copies of food labels for items you plan to sell (looked up examples, worked from there)
A local business license - this is where the financial fun starts
The local license is around $250. First you need to pass (okay, I need to pass) an inspection by the city and local fire department (Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep). After city approval, the California inspectors pay a visit to make sure you are keeping everything business-related separate from your kids’ after school snacks.
And then ingredients, and supplies (who owns an airbrush? I do!)
So really, not much. Until you get into training, tools, and supplies (to be discussed in future posts). And this is all going on a credit card. At least I’m earning points. And the time the previous items take to complete, along with the baking and decorating.
All in all, though, it’s been really kind of great so far and I’m looking forward to see how this all plays out :)
*bonus points if you knew pet ferrets are illegal in California anyway. That’s two laws broken in one sentence!